NEW RELEASE: TANITA TIKARAM – The WEA – EastWest Albums 1988-1995. Sobriety remastered.

Dear melomaniac, this 9th of August 2024 is a big day for Tanita Tikaram music, bringing an even more twisted sobriety to the realm of song. A new TT release is out, it is called “The WEA – EastWest Albums 1988-1995” and it is a 5CD compilation of her old hits, but now freshly remastered and put together in a stellar package.

Who does not remember Tanita, coming out back in the 80s, launching her unexpected hit “Twist in My Sobriety”? It was one of the greatest songs of that decade and her deep special voice was on everyone’s mind. Here is Tanita in the 80s:

Tanita’s heritage is multi-cultural being born in Germany from an Indo-Fijian father and a Sarawakian Malay mother, she moved to the UK in her early teens. That’s some pedigree, isn’t it? German, English, Indonesian, Fijian and Sarawakian Malay – that’s a lot! And I think you can feel that in her special music, all these special circumstances of her life.

Coming back to the release at hand, the package puts together Tanita’s first five albums – Ancient Heart (1988), The Sweet Keeper (1990), Everybody’s Angel (1991), Eleven Kinds of Loneliness (1992) and Lovers in the City (1995) – including her most famous hits like Cathedral Song and Twist in My Sobriety. Bonus tracks are also included, in a total of 81 songs in this set. The albums are included in their entirety, but some extra stuff from her singles are missing, like the live songs that she has had in there.

So, let’s listen to these remasters together, let’s hear together Tanita’s deep and wonderful voice:

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