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Overall Score: 93/100

Aune S17 PRO Review – Could this be The One?

I’ve been patiently awaiting an outstanding headphone amplifier that doesn’t breach the psychological barrier of $/€1000, and the wait has been a long one. The Singxer SA-1, and to some extent, Topping’s A90D and A70 PRO, came close to claiming that title. However, while they excelled in various aspects, they couldn’t quite match the sound quality of the finest solid-state headphone amplifiers.

The sound of amplifiers is intricately linked to their internal components and operational principles. If these components are of mediocre quality, it’s only natural that the sound output would be lackluster. Conversely, when each component is meticulously selected to harmonize with the source, the end result should be nothing short of exhilarating.

I’m thrilled to report that, after four years of searching, I’ve finally discovered the amplifier I’ve been seeking. It goes by the name Aune S17 PRO, and it’s priced at $699/€729. Let’s delve into what makes it so remarkable.

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