A HOT NEW DEVICE: the new eno2 ethernet filter from UK’s Network Acoustics.

For us audiophile souls out there, this news is big: a small device, but with a big goal: to make digital streaming sound more like vinyl, or at least this is what its creators, Network Acoustics, are aiming for.

The new device is called the eno2 and it is an evolution of their previous, already great, 2020’s original eno, which Network Acoustics are claiming should be surpassed by the new model. Oh boy! The first eno was already good, so we would love to get our hands on the eno2 to see what improvements it could bring!

The new eno2 features an 8-core passive ethernet filter designed to improve and tap into the full potential of a 1Gb/s connection. The device should filter all noise from the Ethernet signal, the new filtering process being significantly better than the original eno. Please note that eno2 is not only an update of the original eno, but a simplified version of their Muon Pro Ethernet Filter. That says a lot and it proves the real evolution of the eno2. The 1Gb/s filtering technology is new for the eno lineup, being featured first with the Muon Pro Ethernet filter. The filter is housed in a solid aluminum case CNC milled, that provides optimal EMI/RFI shielding.

Each eno2 is being supplied with a new 0.75m eno2 Streaming Cable. We must say that this idea of supplying a network filter with its own great and correct ethernet cable makes a lot of sense.

eno2 is hand-built in the UK and, as Network Acoustics tells us, each unit is carefully tested before leaving the factory. The package will be retailed at around 1000 USD with free shipping worldwide and featuring a 60-day money back guarantee. Every down-to-earth audiophile will love these 60-days during which the audiophile game can be played: you can struggle, love the product, hate the product, accept it, reject it, you name it – you will have plenty of time of getting through all-stages of audiophile feelings, but, most importantly, you will have plenty of time of deciding if you keep it or not. Fair, isn’t it?

As I said above: we would love to get our hands on the new eno2, but we are afraid not to burn ourselves because, from what we see so far, this device is very very very HOT!

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