FiiO IS STILL SPINNING CDs! Brand new “discman” looking CD-Player.

Following the success and hype around their nostalgic CP13 cassette-player, FiiO is also launching an equally nostalgic CD-Player, called the DM13. I am amazed about this huge comeback that physical media is currently making – vinyl, cassettes and, of course, CDs. So, the market is asking for turntables, for cassette players and, nevertheless, for CD-Players. Thus, FiiO is serving the market correctly with the launch of the DM13.
Please see below a picture of the recently launched CP13 cassette-player I was mentioning earlier:

Now, dear reader, coming back to the subject at hand, I must ask: there is anyone still listening to CDs in 2024? The short answer is: YES! But, this one needs to be thoroughly explained, as it is not as simple as you may think. For sure regular people do not spin CDs or vinyls anymore, certainly not playing cassettes. But there is a small portion of the social pool who are still doing this. But, who? Cool people, that’s who!
With the comeback of cassettes, cool Japanese youngsters are marveling about the size and sound of a small cassette from vintage walkmans or new ones as the CP13. However, cassettes are not for audiophiles, we will never come back to the hiss and limited dynamics of such a support, even with the wow factor of nostalgia. However, when comes to CDs audiophiles will be happier to receive a new spinner, as CDs are indeed a preferred alternative to streaming or vinyl.

So, let’s open this Pandora box and let’s ask the question: how are CDs compared to streaming in 2024? I am very prepared to answer this question as I do have a huge collection of CDs, but, at the same time, I recently adopted streaming as my main music source. CD’s still here, safe and sound, do not alarm yourself.
Does streaming offer a higher quality than CDs? The short answer is “Yes”, but it comes with a caveat: only a stellar streaming system can exceed the quality of a regular CD. Out of the box a standard CD-Player will sound better than an entry level streamer. But a high-end streaming system will surpass CD.
So, it really comes down to how much you are willing to spend. If you already have a significant collection of CDs and you know they are good versions and sound great, then you are OK, stick to CDs, but, if you want the crème-de-la-crème of sound quality, then go for streaming, but prepare to spend all your backup funds: a stellar streaming system costs a lot.
So, we can conclude that a good CD-Player like the new DM13 is worth our attention. The new CD-Player has a 4.4mm balanced headphone output and a 3.5mm regular headphone output, and, because it’s FiiO we are talking about here, I am sure the CD-Player will be able to drive all sorts of passive headphones out there.
The new DM13 can be also hooked up to a music system, having its own DAC with analogical line out, but also SPDIF (COAX and optical) and USB output that can be hooked up to an external DAC. Wow! USB out from a CD-Player, that’s something!

The DM13 also features an aptX HD Bluetooth connection that can stream wirelessly to your active speakers or headphones. The unit also reads MP3, AAC, WMA, WAV and, of course, FLAC files.
Also, a good thing is that it is battery powered, which can be a plus for any audiophile, we now know that a battery can greatly improve sound versus a regular wall-powered solution. Its battery can offer 8 hours of continuous playback.

The unit will be available in blue, black, white, red and titanium and will cost around $180. Great colors, great price! The device will be available from September 2024. Time passes by so fast these days, but in this situation it’s an advantage, can’t wait to get my hands on one of these!