KECES Audio anounces their pimped-out S300 Power Amp!

Taiwanese manufacturer KECES Audio just announced their newest and their most advanced power amplifier yet: the mighty S300!
It follows the same foot steps of the S125 power amplifier, but everything was dialed up to eleven. Its internal toroidal transformer increased its size to 1200 V, internal capacitance was tremendously increased as well, more exactly to 65.000 μF by using high-quality Rubycon filter caps – these are the same folks that created the famous Black Gate capacitors. Peak Current was increased to 45 Amperes (that is 50% higher compared to S125). One of the nicest things is that the damping factor increased staggeringly to 1500 somewhere between 20 Hz and 1 kHz so a really punchy and extremely controlled bass performance. It will be still offering few Watts of power in Class-A for a warm believable sound and then will be moving to Class-AB for a better thermal stability.
Full feature list as follows:
- 2 OZ Copper PCB for Power Layer, Ground Layer and Signal Layer to get high damping factor and get more sound quality.
- 130 watts x2 @ 8 ohm continuous output power, Maximum output power 240 watts x2 @ 8 ohm
- 225 watts x2 @ 4 ohm continuous output power, Maximum output power 300 watts x2 @ 4 ohm
- 410 watts x1 @ 8 ohm in bridge mode
- High bias Class A/AB operation
- 5 watts per channel of pure Class A power at high bias setting
- 45 amperes peak current per channel
- Stable with speaker impedance dips below 2 Ω
- Operation model selection: Stereo, Bi-Amp, Bridged
- Dual-mono design
- Direct-coupled signal path, no capacitors or inductors
- DC Servo and relay protection circuits
- JFET input stage, MOSFET driver stage
- 1.2 kVA toroid power transformer with independent secondary windings for each channel
- Independent power supplies for left & right channel input stages, driver. stages, output stages
- 65,600 μF Rubycon filter capacitors for output stages
- Automatic turn-on by 12 V trigger
- Neutrik locking XLR input connectors
- Heavy-duty 24K gold-plated RCA input jacks
- Heavy-duty 24k gold-plated 5-way speaker binding posts
- AC turn-on inrush surge protection
- Overload/Over Temperature Protection
- The 4mm thickness of the aluminum chassis to effective to blocks EMI/RFI interference
Full Specifications:
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Price is TBA