Audiobyte VydraVOX, HydraZAP and HydraHUB pages are live!

The bright minds of Audiobyte just released dedicated pages for their newest creations:
HydraVOX, that can work only with a HydraZAP attached to it. HydraZAP will provide super clear power for the separate analog and digital circuitry of HydraVOX, it can also power the advanced HydraHUB streamer and even other devices with additional tinkering from your side.
What makes HydraVOX truly special, is that instead of using off-the-shelf commercial D/A converter chips, it uses proprietary FPGA conversion techniques and four discrete (read it as fully balanced) 1-BIT High-performance D/A converters. Add FemtoVox clocking system, Phase correction system, an isolated I2S input, a truly analog Buffer stage using discrete bipolar transistors, DSD Pure Path by using the USB or I2S input, a powerful headphone amplifier section that can output up to 3 Watts of power, an Audiobyte Hydra Remote control app that can be installed on Android and iOS devices and you have a complete audiophile package built to the highest standards of the most demanding audiophiles out there.
HydraZAP will zap the VOX with the cleanest power using two low-noise toroidal transformers, it has a digital power supply using 2 ultra-capacitors with a power bank of 2 x 310 Farads, a microprocessor-controlled charging process, the analog power supply will be filtered using discrete regulators in shunt mode with high rejection stages.
As of right now, HydraVOX together with HydraZAP and HydraHUB are one-of-a-kind products in so many ways, using cutting edge technology and frankly we can’t wait to have a listen.
HydraVOX together with HydraZAP can be pre-ordered right now at 3500 EUR (no VAT included) or at 4165 EUR (including VAT).
Hail Hydra!