SMSL SP200 THX AAA-888 based headphone amp can already be Pre-Ordered!

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The SMSL SP200 THX Headphone Amp is the newest product in the SMSL lineup with the top of the line audiophile high power grade THX AAA-888 technology. This technology allows for the highest fidelity with extreme output power and ultra-low crosstalk. This headphone amp is versatile and can be used to drive a variety of headsets including those that have high impedance, require high current, or need high sensitivity.

The SP200 comes with an included AC power supply and is equipped with XLR and RCA inputs. The front panel has XLR and quarter inch jack outputs, options for switching between different inputs, and choosing high or low gain.

THX AAA- 888 Specs:

  • Supply Voltage: +/- 18 V
  • Test Condition: +/- 18 V
  • Output Power 16 ohms/ch: 6000 mW
  • Output Power 32 ohms/ch: 3900 mW
  • Output Power 300 ohms/ch: 465 mW
  • THD (16ohms, -3 dB 1 kHz): -140 dB
  • THD (32ohms, -3 dB 1 kHz): -147 dB
  • THD (300ohms, -3 dB 1 kHz): -150 dB
  • Output Noise Voltage (A-wt): 1.6 uVms
  • SNR (A-wt): 137 dB
  • Stereo Quiescent Power Consumption +/- VDC: 2770 mW

Probably the best part is it’s price, at only $289,99 it looks like a much better value compared to the $400 Drop THX-789 or the $400 Monolith THX 887.

Reserve yours today in the Apos Audio store following this link

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