We’re going to the Munich High-End Show 2023!

I can feel the taste of Schneider’s Weisse Aventinus in my mouth, the smell of Brühwurst and Himbeergeist can be felt in the air, people are rocking out in the background and others are headbanging with headphones on. I see vacuum tubes glowing, woofers vibrating, transformers burning, and happy faces all around. Is this heaven? Of course, it’s the Munich High End Show 2023 that approaches closely! Our batteries have been charged and we armed ourselves with a good mood, as we will be attending once again the legendary show. We’ll be reporting about the newest announcements, we’ll be shooting plenty of photos and videos for you to admire and you can expect a few interviews as well. If you’re coming too, then fist bump and say hello to us. We hope to see you there!